Invest in Your Home’s Future with our Spring Must-Do Checklist

For many homeowners, spring is a time of cleaning, decluttering, and transitioning your home from winter to summer.

Spring and winter home maintenance are crucial for the safety and efficiency of your home and protecting your investment.

In this blog we will take a look at why maintenance is important and what some of the jobs on your regular maintenance list should be!

Why Seasonal Maintenance is Important

As many Canadians know, the weather throughout the year can change dramatically from winter to summer and fall to spring. Canadians put up with intense winter storms, heavy bouts of rain in the spring, and extremely warm weather in the summers.

In order to keep a well maintained home and prevent costly repairs that hurt your property’s value, regular home maintenance is highly encouraged!

From getting your heating system and air conditioning system serviced to testing your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms, your entire property should have a regular maintenance schedule to keep it in tip top shape.

Your Home Maintenance Checklist

As the seasons change, so do the needs of your home. With spring and summer on the horizon, now is the perfect time to tackle those essential maintenance tasks to keep your property in top shape. Whether you’re a homeowner or an investor, ensuring your real estate investment remains in excellent condition is crucial.

Here’s a spring home maintenance checklist of seasonal home maintenance tips to help you safeguard your investment and maintain its value.

1. Start By Decluttering

Decluttering is an essential part of home maintenance that often gets overlooked. Clutter not only affects the appearance of your home but can also contribute to stress and make it more challenging to keep your space organized. This item on your checklist can also be the first step of a deep cleaning of your home that can keep it fresh and clean!


Tackling an entire house can feel overwhelming, so start with one room at a time. Focus on areas that tend to accumulate clutter quickly, such as closets, entryways, and countertops.

Additionally, store seasonal clothing, decorations, and other items in labelled bins or containers when not in use. This helps free up space and keeps your home clutter-free year-round.

Girl decluttering by cleaning out her closet for Spring.

Basement Spaces

Invest in storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and shelving to help keep clutter at bay. Organize items by category and designate a specific place for everything to make it easier to find what you need.

Go through your belongings and identify items you no longer need or use. Consider donating gently used clothing, furniture, and household items to local charities or selling them online or at a garage sale.


The garage is also a common place for clutter! Once a year you should sift through everything that is stored in your garage and get rid of anything you don’t need or don’t use. While you’re in the garage, you can test the garage door and remove garbage or other debris that can build up in this space.

2. Let the Sunshine In

One thing that Canadians do not take for granted is sunshine! Once early spring hits and we start to have a bit more sunlight in our days, you should take a look at your windows and doors.


Your windows can be a main source of fresh air and sunlight, but they can also affect your heating bill if they aren’t sealed properly. Check for drafts around windows and doors and seal gaps with weather stripping or caulk. Proper insulation can improve energy efficiency and reduce utility costs.

Then, make sure to clean the windows, clearing away any mold and fixing any water damage that might affect the integrity of your windows.

Guy working on window as part of spring maintenance.


Like your windows, you want to make sure your doors close properly so you don’t have high heating costs or have any heat loss in the winter months. Inspect your door and door screens, ensuring that they open and close properly. If your doors are squeaky, use a bit of oil to grease the door hinges.

3. Remember Your Home’s Exterior

While the interior of your home is important, your seasonal home maintenance checklist should also include a thorough inspection of your outdoor spaces.

Water Systems

Before and during winter, you want to prevent frozen pipes, outdoor faucets, hot water tanks, and sprinkler systems/sprinkler heads. Maintaining your water heater can increase energy efficient operation and prevent high heating costs.


Inspect the exterior siding of your home for any peeling paint or damage to the siding. Repainting or repairing damaged areas can help protect your home from the elements and maintain its curb appeal.

Roof, Eavestrough, and Gutters

One of the bigger home maintenance tasks is inspecting your roof.

Roof damage can lead to expensive repairs and long lasting headaches. Regular inspections can prevent unexpected expenses or intense damage to your home.

Examine your roof for any signs of damage or wear. Look for missing or damaged shingles, cracks, or leaks. Addressing these issues early can prevent more significant problems down the line. Many homeowners have a professional inspect the roof which can save money in the long run.

Man cleaning out eavestrough for spring clean up on his home.

Another common area that should be on your spring and winter home maintenance checklist is your gutters. In the winter, clogged gutters can create ice dams. Then, in the spring, you want to make sure that they have good drainage when the rain comes.

Clear out debris from gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and even structural issues if left unchecked.

4. Your Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Spring Cleanup

Take stock of your garden beds and remove any weeds, dead plants, or debris. Prune shrubs and trees as needed to encourage growth and maintain shape. Mulch around plants to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve soil health.

Prepare your outdoor areas for the warmer months by cleaning patios, decks, and outdoor furniture. Inspect these areas for any damage and make repairs as needed.

Trim back overgrown trees and shrubs that may be encroaching on your home. This not only improves the appearance of your property but also helps prevent damage from falling branches during storms.

Collection of tools used for spring clean up around the home.

Patios and Decks

Clean and inspect your patio or deck to remove dirt, mold, and mildew buildup. Sweep away debris and wash surfaces with a mild detergent or specialized cleaner. Check for any signs of damage, such as loose boards or rusted hardware, and make repairs as needed.

Clean and maintain outdoor furniture and accessories to prolong their lifespan. Wash cushions and pillows, tighten screws and bolts, and apply a protective sealant to wooden furniture. Store items such as cushions, umbrellas, and decor in a dry, protected area when not in use.

5. Check Your HVAC System and Smoke/CO2 Alarms

Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system plays a crucial role in keeping your home comfortable year-round. To ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency, regular maintenance of your air conditioning unit and heating system is essential.

Change out air filters and clean your dryer vent or clothes dryer exhaust duct of any lint buildup to prevent any fires or damage to the systems.

Schedule a professional HVAC inspection and servicing to ensure your heating and cooling systems are operating efficiently. Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your HVAC system and help lower energy costs.

A professional performing an HVAC inspection for spring maintenance.

Additionally, replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and test them to ensure they are functioning correctly. If you fail to test smoke alarms regularly, you might find that they do not work in the case of a fire. Fire extinguishers should also be inspected to make sure they have not expired and to check its condition. A fire extinguisher usually lasts about 10-12 years.

While you’re testing your smoke detectors, be sure to also inspect electrical cords and outlets. A faulty outlet or cord can quickly lead to an electrical fire.

Safety should always be a top priority in your home.

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With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to integrity and excellence, Voortman Realty provides expert advice that helps buyers and sellers navigate the real estate market with confidence.

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